
2021 Open Enrollment

August 30 – September 3, 2021

We have the following open enrollment options available to you!

Option 1

Onsite Face-to-Face Enrollment

During this time, Benefit Representatives from Mark III will be scheduled for appointments at each location to meet with you to review your benefits and assist you with changes you need to make.

The Annual Enrollment Period for Greensville County Schools employees will typically take place in August. During this time, Benefit Representatives from Mark III will be scheduled for appointments at each location to meet with you to review your benefits and assist you with any changes you need to make. Check with your Secretary/Receptionist for the date a representative will be at your location.

Changes made during this enrollment period will take effective October 1.

REMEMBER: The Annual Enrollment Period is the only time you are able to make changes to your benefits. Changes outside of this timeframe are only permitted if you experience a Qualified Event outlined by the IRS. If you should experience a Qualified Event, you have 31 days from the Event Date to make a change to your benefits.