7 Week Challenge

Habits are something we do automatically. We couldn’t do half the things we do without an autopilot. Your brain can only focus on a few things at once.

Developing a healthy lifestyle is a lot like learning to drive a car. It can take years to build the right habits, but once you do, you can maintain your health without giving it much thought. Imagine what else you could accomplish if taking care of your health happened automatically.

Are you ready to challenge yourself to make healthier habits for the next few weeks? Focusing on healthy habits each week, with support, will allow you to be successful throughout this challenge.

Week 1: Eat Better to Feel Better

Use the Healthy Eating Journa to track your food each day, reflect on how you felt before and after eating, and share any struggles or achievements you may have had!

Week 2: Make Time for Exercise

Use the activity log that is provided to document your activity for each day (i.e. walking, playing tennis, etc.).

Week 3: Eat the Rainbow

Use the rainbow log that is provided to document the fruits and vegetables you eat daily.

Week 4: What Does Healthy Really Mean?

Your goal this week is to focus on self care practices and take care of yourself by implementing healthy habits in your routine.

Week 5: Why Your Drink Choice Matters

Your goal this week is to track your water intake each day. Be sure to try some of the tips along the way!

Week 6: One Healthy Step a Day Challenge

Keep track of the healthy steps you take each day this week!

Week 7: Making Health a Priority Challenge

Set a simple goal, ways to achieve it, and list people who will hold you accountable!

Healthy Eating Journal

Download a copy of the healthy eating journal to help you track your healthy eating habits and more!

Activity Log

Download a copy of the activity log to help track your activity every day this week.

Rainbow Tracker

Download a copy of the rainbow tracker to help track the fruits and vegetables you eat every day this week.


Download a copy of the BINGO card and complete one task each day this week.

Water Tracker

Download a copy of the water tracker to log your water intake each day.

Healthy Steps Log

Download a copy of the healthy steps tracker to log how you are living a healthier lifestyle each day.

Health Goal Log

Download the health goal log.